Časopis pro ty, kteří chtějí porozumět světu kolem sebe.
Časopis s obsahem recenzovaným odborníky.

LIŠKA, J. (2012): Ředitel školy, který naučil Kolumbijce snowboardovat. Rozhovor. Geografické rozhledy, 22(1), 20–21.

Stáhnout článek

Abstrakt: Požádali jsme o rozhovor dr. Juraje Lišku, ředitele Gymnázia Jana Nerudy v Praze, který vystudoval geografii společně s tělesnou výchovou na Přírodovědecké fakultě a FTVS Univerzity Karlovy v Praze. S fakultou spolupracuje aktivní účastí v semináři Latinská Amerika a členstvím jeho školy v projektu fakultních škol.

Abstract (EN): The school principal who taught Colombians to snowboard. An interview with the principal of a prestigious high school, this article touches on some of his memorable experiences. In addition to describing major factors in his choice of profession, he recalls specialized educational field trips and a university expedition to South America that he took part in. Inspired by his two-year postgraduate stay in exotic Colombia, he talks about Colombian students, the situation at a Colombian university, his teaching experience in a Native American village and even about some observations regarding the background of drug bosses. He provides a vivid description of his ground-breaking idea: to teach Colombians, a nation obsessed with football, to go snowboarding in their tropical country. Finally, he gives some specific examples to illustrate the educational standards of his high school and briefly mentions some areas that need further development within the Czech education system.